Friday, October 2, 2009

The 10th day Post-Op

Well, all. I was hoping to make a huge return to my blogging around now, with my own day by day of whst I can remember of the last ten days, but I'm not sure how it's going to work. As it turns out, typing is really hard. Maybe I'll go to video.

I just wanted to say that I am okay, but everything is pretty hard right now. It really is going to take a long time for me to recover. I don't know why, but I honestly wasn't expecting post op to be this bad.

Some great things at this point -
-I can swallow, and now can chew most things if I really concentrate.
-I can walk from the couch to the bathroom unassisted.
-I can walk all the way down the driveway and back, with a helper.
-I can move my jaw to the right AND left.
-I think I can hear a little in my left ear.

Some crap things at this point -
-The left side of my face is still pretty paralyzed (I last overheard my House-Brackmann score as 5/6 ... bad.)
-My left arm and hand are pretty weak and worthless.
-My left eye still doesn't close so I still have to wear plastic wrap on it. (I'm assuming these are all things my mom mentioned at some point.)
-My body feels like it was hit by a truck. My head feels like it was beaten with a bat in the back. Meds don't really work.
-I'm almost always hot and sweaty (but no fever!).
-I sleep a lot, but am having crazy dreams constantly and wake up with a start.
-I always, always feel like I am moving. I'm usually nauseated.
-I can't pick up my kids.

But the best thing is I'm not telling Matt to "pull the plug" anymore, so it must be getting a little better.

And that about wore me out for tonight so I'll return to the recliner couch I've been camping on (I also can't lay flat).

Thank you, thank you, yet again. I did get all the messages and pictures. I'll get to everyone personally eventually. Please be patient with me, I am extremely slow. (I feel like I need my picture on a Smucker's Jar with Willard Scott.)



  1. I am so proud of you! Keep staying positive. We miss you at work!!!!!!

  2. God is your power of healing. Have faith in HIM. I have been praying for you. I salute your courage and spirit! Hope to work with you soon!
    ----ellaine camonayan
