Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Nicole was discharged from Hopkins Tuesday afternoon. Knowing that she needed someone with her 24 hours/day, she opted to come stay with her Dad and I for a while until she can get a bit stronger. Her care, compounded with the day to day care of two children, would be a lot for Matt - although I know he would handle it if necessary.

As the doctors tried to tell us, recovery is going to be a lot more difficult than expected. Nicole will be going back to Hopkins in three weeks to have a procedure done to implant weights in her eyelids to help them close. Right now she has to put drops in every hour and an ointment every four hours plus wear the piece of Saran wrap over her L eye constantly. She'll also probably have to check in with an ophthalmologist every week until the procedure, just to make sure her cornea is being preserved with the measures currently being taken.

The pain and nausea and still pretty overwhelming. She was sent home with prescriptions for two days more of Decadron to take and pain medication. It's been difficult for her to go into the hospital feeling 'semi-OK' and then to be released feeling horrible with the left side of your face numb. But.... she's a great patient and she still does her exercises regardless.

She'll being have OT and PT sessions for 45 minutes each three days a week - hopefully at Kernan. And of course lots of follow up visits with all of the surgeons on the 'team'.


  1. It is wonderful that she is so committed to doing her exercises and getting better.

    Nicole, you are kicking that tumor's butt like you said!


  2. Nicole, we're so glad to know that you've come through this okay and that you're getting through it day by day, step by step, until you're fully recovered. You are amazing!!!
    Thinking good thoughts for you and yours. As always, if we can help somehow, just ask. :)
    - Susan (J's mom) & family

  3. You are inspirational! Thinking of you as continue to recover. I hope each day gets just a little easier ...
