Friday, September 18, 2009

The PreOp Picture Post

This week I've been trying to keep busy. Not with huge things necessarily, but with everyday things that make me happy. Like taking Benjamin to his first soccer practice, watching The Biggest Loser and eating brownies with Liz, play dates with friends we haven't seen in awhile, and watching old movies (this week it was "Giant") with Matt. Today my mom took the kids and I duckpin bowling. I've also been eating whatever I want, just in case I'll end up with a feeding tube for awhile, including pizza, sushi, and ribs.

Unfortunately headaches have been a big problem this week, and nerves are getting the best of my stomach. Emotionally it's up and down. Sometimes I feel so ready and pumped. Like, "Let do this thing! If I can birth a 9+ pound baby in my parents basement no problem, then I can kick this tumor's butt!" But then I get really down, just thinking "what if..?"

One thing that made me teary this week...

This was during soccer practice when the coach asked "If any of you came with a friend, please hold their hand so you don't get separated [when making teams]." Benjamin's never met this girl before. :)


Brodie was in love with her little friend Vivian, who is only 4 months old. She's been so kissy lately, and even gave the baby a kiss in the eye.

And some pictures of me this week...
With my glasses off, and a face-on shot, you can see the differences in the right and left side of my face. Creepy, huh?

A side view of the curl-hawk.

And a top view of the curl-hawk. What-what!

Finally, some of the planning stuff..

These are goody bags for the kids for while I'm gone. Included in there are Brodie's first Barbie and Benjamin's first legos, so I can make sure they come from me. Also some crafty things for them to do together, goldfish crackers, stickers, and some frog-shaped soaps.

My bag is packed and ready. Long sleeve pajamas, short sleeve pajamas, slippers, socks, toiletries (including chapstick), underwear, a "mini wiffy" (potpourri bean bag), a couple scarves, and my birthday presents from the kids (papers with their names and handprints). All I need to add is some pictures and it'll be ready.

Not long now...


  1. I can't handle that pic of Benjamin. ADORABLE. Please let me know if you need anything!

  2. Good luck Nic! I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow. You can totally kick Gary's ass on outta there!

    -Alex N
