Thursday, September 24, 2009

Second Post Surgical Day

It's Nicole's mother, Susan, writing an update again. Nicole filled me in today on what has happened from my last posting.

Things that occurred last night:

- her 'A' line was removed

- she needed a nasal cannula since she was 'de-sating' when falling asleep

- they had to draw blood from her arm - can't get from the L hand any longer

- she got her Spirometer up to 1,700 one time - but usually it's more like 1,000-1,500

- she tried to sleep in 3 hour increments - she still has a fear of aspiration while sleeping

- she has been changed from Fentanyl to Morphine to Hydrocodone for pain

- she had a bed bath

- she needed Magnesium since her level went down to 1.8

- she's had to get insulin a few times - her Glucose this afternoon was 120

- still on Phenergan for nausea

- still has double vision - her L eye is now covered since there are concerns about corneal drying as she can't close that eye totally

What happened today:

- Dr. T is ill and Dr. W, his associate, saw Nicole this AM (Nicole commented she hoped her case didn't make him sick!)

- the ENT surgeon, Dr. S, did a swallowing test and decided there was 'too much gurgling' so a Speech/Language pathology consult was ordered

- The Speech/Language Pathology consult showed she was ready to try soft foods and liquids -but she'd need to go slow and pinch the L side of her lips together to use a straw; to use suction if she felt like she was aspirating

- it would be OK for her to clear her throat

- she had a chest x-ray but still no word on the atelectasis in the RLL

- Her Foley was removed (she was glad about this )

- With the help of two nurses she was able to stand and transfer to a recliner

- She can't be released to a stepped down unit from Critical Care until an MRI is performed and reviewed by the surgeons

- The Occupational Therapist did an examination and said she'd need OT and PT after her release. Nicole hopes this will be possible at Kernan.

Tomorrow the plan is to see how she does when she tries to walk.

Observing her as the nurses helped her to the recliner, the left foot is dragging and she definitely has to concentrate hard to lift that leg.

Before she will be allowed to leave the hospital, she will have to demonstrate an ability to climb stairs.

Some additional information she told me today:

- the surgeon did have to remove a piece of her cerebellum

- the vestibular nerve had already been destroyed by the tumor but apparently she had been compensating well over the years with her right side

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