Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Thank You

I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone that's been keeping me and my family in their thoughts and prayers, and to all those who have offered help and support. I appreciate all the nice notes, comments, emails, phone calls, everything. We're doing fine right now, but I promise I will call when we need help!

Also, thank you to those who are keeping up with this 'adventure'. I don't mean to offend anyone who might find a blog too impersonal, but it's a lot easier for me to put it all out there one time, to make sure everyone who wants info gets it and that it's given in the most complete way possible. I know I'll forget an important fact or an important person if I call everyone individually. You can't blame me, after all, I have a brain tumor. :)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Love you all!

Ps - If you want to chat on the phone I'm open for calls on my cell. If you don't have the number leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send it to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole,

    Kate and I send our best. Thank you for keeping us all posted - this is the perfect format. Take care, and we'll see you very shortly!

