I woke up Sunday morning still fever free. The chills were gone as well. Overnight the vicodin was only so-so at controlling the pain and I had woken up once around 3am feeling nauseated and miserable again. Laying down makes the headache, and therefore the nausea, much worse.
Interestingly, when I woke up with Brodie for the day, I felt okay but my right eye seemed more closed than the left, and not purposefully. I could move it and open and close it if I wanted to, but the 'default' position was slightly closed.

(Please excuse my grumpy "It's 6:30am and I'm already awake and showered" face and wet hair. Don't I look like I got stung by a bee or something?)
By evening my eye looked better, but that side of my face just felt 'heavy'.
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