Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Mall Trip

The kids and I went to the mall today with my sister-in-law, her three kids, and my mother-in-law. It's hard to remember that I'm not supposed to do everyday things like drive. I gotta use every chance I can to get out and do stuff! Plus, the kids get bored at home too long.

I've been feeling much better today than I did over the weekend. It probably helps that whatever infection I had is being treated and resolved. But also, as far as the headaches, caffeine! Drinking cokes really does make a big difference. Maybe it's largely placebo - I don't care. It still helps. I went back to taking tylenol (which I checked and each tab is 500mg, not 325mg - so I was taking 1500mg at a time before, not 975mg. Oops!) instead of vicodin. I'm taking the correct dose so I'm sure my liver is happy about that. :)

Otherwise, I'm noticing things now that must have crept up so slowly on me that I never noticed them as possible "symptoms" before. Including:
-My left ear feels like it's full of nasty goo.
-When I turn my head at the neck to talk to someone behind me, things sound very muffled and I notice I'm watching people's lips a lot.

And then things that I did notice, but figured they were 'just me' (which maybe they are!):
-A lot of trouble understanding accents
-Trouble hearing people when there is background noise, and tendency to "smile and nod" or laugh along with people to cover up the fact that I never heard what they said
-"Shutting down" in situations where there is a lot going on (like on a crowded playground)
-Feeling like my memory has specifically been worse since 2001

There's probably more, but I've forgotten. :)

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